
People Rock

Piano Movers
I have a metric crapload of respect for you because I hate moving pianos and you do it all the time. In fact, you make it look easy. I know it's partially brains but has a lot to do with brawn, and simply acknowledging that I hate moving pianos points out my incredible weakness, but weak I am and pianos I have still moved, far too many to be explained by the fact that I am not a piano mover.
People who move from house to house regularly
I think you're crazy, but I respect you because I hate moving. Yet I've done it. And you all do it all the time. I could never in a million years move overseas; I would have to burn all my belongings and start over. But you're still crazy.
I don't get dance really, which may or may not be a topic for another time, but I can't really dance. Oh sure, I can fake it a little, but mostly it's just fake and it only works if I'm in a crowd. So you dancer types, way to go on the dancing. I can't do it.
Computer programmers
I dabble. I'm a dilettante. But although I don't always see eye to eye with you, computer programmers, you can do things I can't. And you can make things work. I can design, but once it comes down to the wire I have no finishing power. Yet somehow computer programmers manage to turn out working software. It takes a lot of effort to do that, even poorly, which is far too common. But if you do it well, that takes so much effort it's not even worth doing, at least for me. Bravo to you.

It's sad that at the moment I can't think of too many other people to include in this list.

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