

I have no patience for immigration debate. None whatsoever. Largely because I don't think there's anything to debate, really. There's nothing wrong with immigration, and there's not the huge problem that people keep mentioning. But I'm not here to debate that.

I am here to talk to all the people who think that our country is on the verge of being taken over by Mexico. Surprisingly, there are a lot of people, seemingly intelligent people, who seem to feel this way. Here is my response.

Do we all speak Chinese?

It's less of a silly question than you might think. Because you see, if Mexico takes over the United States as many people fear it will, we will, consequently, all be forced to speak Mexican. After all, they'll worm their way into our government, and all of us poor disenfranchised Anglos will be SOL. It's happening right now! Look out, there's a Mexican behind you with an ax!

Now, replace the word, "Mexico," with the word, "China," (and all the sundries). Rewind time one hundred years or so (roughly speaking). Funny how California wound up not becoming the Peoples Republic of China, California Chapter, isn't it? Because when the waves of Chinese immigrants started coming over, that was just what everyone expected. Which gave them a perfect excuse to commit serious civil rights violations, among other things.

But wait, there's more. See, we actually let the Chinese in. No illegal immigration there. We welcomed them with open labor camps. So obviously the problem must have been even worse. It must have taken serious steps by white supremacists to keep down the Yellow Hordes. Thank goodness for that, right?

In case you can't tell, I'm being very sarcastic. But I have a point. The Chinese didn't take over our country. They built America for little pay and even less thanks. They took all the work that we wouldn't take, and they did it for less. Just like our current crop of immigrants, actually, who aren't all from Mexico and don't all speak Mexican. And our current worries are illegal immigration, which is only illegal because we're afraid that if we make immigration legal, the Mexicans will own our country.

I have a simple solution, and then I can stop talking about this because like I said, I have no patience for it. Make immigration ridiculously easy. Sure, citizenship can still be tough, but make it really easy to come to this country if you want to work. And don't be fooled by all the propaganda: they do. It's harder than many people who've never been on the dole make it out to be to get welfare.

So we wind up supporting a few low-lifes. We do that anyway. But we open our arms to a group of people who can do us good. Look at it from a purely greedy motivation, if you like.

But we also have to improve labor laws so immigrants are treated fairly. And we have to stop being such white-supremacist assholes about the whole thing. Which makes me wonder whether or not it will ever happen.

Oh, the hell with it. Build a big old wall in Texas. Around Texas, in fact. And then everyone who's worried can hole up there, and I can get on with my life and with worrying about things that really need worry. Like many of the problems currently being eclipsed by stupid people worrying about Mexico taking over the US.

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