

I'm still here. Late, but here. There is a certain fulfillment in that, actually.

But does it get any easier to do something if you've passed a benchmark? It's possible. Knowing that something is half over would seem to make it much easier to suffer through the rest of it. But when you're actually doing something, the last few feet of the race can be the most difficult.

I'm not completely sure what I'm writing about here because I really just wanted to paste a big "100" on the front and ship it on in. That's 97 more posts than the last blog I tried, and at least 80 more than any other sequence of articles I've ever sat down to write. You can debate the quality (please don't, you know I love you) but the quantity is there. If I were writing this on the day I should have been, it would only be 99 days into the year, but it's more than 100 now. So that's more than one fourth done.

I have found, over the past month or so, that it's hard to be on topic if the topic you want to discuss in something dated two weeks ago is occurring now. It does keep me from being entirely driven by current events, but sometimes I have to write things and then wait to post them. And sometimes I just don't write the things in the first place. I imagine that's probably often for the best, because some things I write are terrible. Like this, for instance.

I try to stick to views, rather than fiction or diary, largely because I don't get to express myself very often in other forums. This is largely by choice. So I won't try to sneak in a short story while no one's looking, mostly because I know so few people are looking anyway as to make any sneaking on my part a mockery of the form. I'm also trying not to simply complain about things that should be different, or regurgitate other people's views with commentary. But both of those things are views, in a way; complaints are points of view which differ from the state of things, and commentary is views on views. And I do have both, sometimes. More than sometimes. I try to keep them as general as possible.

Just remember, in 200 or so more days, I will have gone insane and will be writing manifestos about cheese in our nation's banks. Wait up for that, won't you? I know I will.

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