
A General Statement of Things Gone Wrong

It's healthy to write. I strongly believe this to be the case, which is why I turn something of a blind eye to the terrible writing perpetrated by people all over the Internet, that with a capital 'I.' I won't forgive terrible writing, but I allow my non-forgiveness to be expiated somewhat by the fact that, regardless of how much it makes me want to whip out a red pen and stab someone in the eye, it is healthy. Lord knows, I commit serious acts of verbal sin all the time.

And now I'm going to share them with you. As the title says, nobody cares what I think. I am firmly of the belief that the vast majority of the time, this is the case for nearly everyone. Sure, if you're President, or Pope, or Tom Cruise, someone somewhere probably cares what you think, even if it's just a reporter who wants to write a newspaper article about it. And I imagine that occasionally every single person in the world has someone who cares about one thing that that person thinks. But many people only get one chance at that.

Let's not fool ourselves; writing on the Internet is an act of supreme narcissism. Most of the time, we're doing it for ourselves (sisters) and I'm sort of fine with that. As long as it isn't mandatory to read other people's writing, it should be perfectly acceptable for anyone to write, even if it's just to hear oneself talking, so to speak. The echo is pretty bad in here, actually.

But I am resolved to write more, because as I said at the top, it's healthy. And I can't complete a novel every month, largely because I have the attention span of a gnat who is normally on meth amphetamines but has run out of them. My last "novel" reflected this. I certainly don't have the intellectual rigor to write anything scholarly at the moment, if ever. So I will attempt to write a little something every day, for health reasons. Obviously, I will fail miserably.

These will be the views that no one cares about that I mention in the title, mostly, although I may cheat and write some other people's views, although you have my word that these people will be entirely fictional. I'm not restricting myself to a topic because topics are for papers, and this isn't one of those.

Enjoy the show, kids, and remember, you don't have to read it. I fully expect that no one will. This will make it safe for me to express opinions of which I would be ashamed if I were a better person.

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