
Twilight Savings Time

So they've moved Daylight Savings Time back because it will save energy. This is, of course, relying on the premise that the biggest consumers of energy are electric light bulbs. I would be willing to bet that heating and electronic appliances probably burn a lot more energy, but I'm not in the government and I don't know. I didn't say, "so I don't know," back there because I'm not sure that the two follow logically. In fact, I'm pretty sure that people who pass these laws don't know.

I have yet to receive an adequate explanation for Daylight Savings Time. I'll be honest; I don't give a damn whether it happens three weeks early or a month late. It's a hassle regardless.

I know why we have time zones; the railroads. But they aren't responsible for Daylight Savings Time. I've heard that it's for farmers, but what the hell do I care about farmers. Why can't they get up earlier to milk the cows? Why can't they go to bed later to take advantage of all that wonderful natural light? I don't know; I'm not a farmer.

I suspect that Daylight Savings Time is simply another cog in the, "everyone gets up early," machine, like the lack of flex time and horrible commutes. I hate to inform the world, but I don't do my best work at 7AM. Sorry, world, it's just true. And I'd be willing to bet that there are a lot of other people just like me. But think about it: why does time jump forward for half a year, rather than jumping back? I don't have the answer, and I'll bet no one else does either. It's become tradition, carved in stone. But maybe it's because it makes us go to bed and wake up an hour earlier. There's no Twilight Savings Time.

The argument about saving energy reminds me of another funny law which was proposed (no, I won't give a citation, because I don't remember where I read about it, but it's true and I'm sure you could look it up) to eliminate the months of January and February. The theory was that if January and February were the coldest months of the year, turning them into part of July and August would make people, psychologically, feel warmer, and they would turn down the heat.

Hey, it makes as much sense as Daylight Savings Time, which for the record was not named "Savings" because it would save energy.

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