

It got your attention, didn't it?

Anyway, the question for discussion, were this a forum for such things, would be, "Why do humans grow more hair in certain places and not in others?" And I'm not just talking about the naughty places. Why do humans grow hair on their heads, for that matter?

Also, why don't most animals have to cut their hair? And why does body hair never grow past a certain length? There are scientific explanations for those. But why did Mother Nature, in her infinite wisdom (so infinite in fact that most people have trouble fathoming it, which is a definite downside to infinite wisdom, or indeed infinite anything) see fit to make humans grow only certain types of hair?

Sure, the hair on my head keeps my head warmer than it otherwise would be. But if evolution (survival of the fittest or otherwise) has seen fit to remove the body hair which is no longer necessitated due to the invention of clothing and central heating, why didn't it remove the other hair too? Why leave us with a thin coating all over our bodies which isn't useful, it's just annoying, and then stick large clumps of hair in places that don't make sense?

Why don't they make sense? Well, putting an insulator in a place which is already warmer than the rest of the body doesn't make sense. Here I'm talking about armpit hair, actually. Why put more hair under the arms, where it just gets sweaty? It also attracts bugs and various other unpleasantness, and that fact is made worse by the fact that the hair is located in an uncomfortable place to have bugs. Here I'm talking about all the various areas of more body hair most of us have.

I'm not here to answer these questions. No, I'm here to wonder why men have beards and women don't, why we can't all just wear hats instead of having to deal with haircuts, why mites and fleas must be drawn like magnets to the areas most likely to have complications from itching. I tell you, if I had been in charge when these things were decided, things would be different. Not necessarily better, just different.

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