
You Got Dooby in My Funk

Get your damn religion out of my politics you dirty ape!

Okay, I've beaten this into the ground, but it continues to pop up like those demented mechanical moles in the carnival game. So let me be crystal clear about it, so hopefully I can just say I've said it before.

I do not care about religion. That's right, you heard me. I don't care if you're Partially-Reformed Presbopiscipalutherjewislamihindu. Or any other thing I might have left out. You know what, I don't give a rat's ass about it.

Stop wearing it like a badge. I don't tell people what religion I am all the time. I don't bring it out at parties like photos of my latest child. I don't base my political career (such as it is) on my religion. In point of fact, I would be willing to bet that most people don't know what religion I am.

If I were a priest of some kind, then I guess I could put it on my business cards, if I had any. And I suppose I could let people know I was a priest in case they needed spiritual advice from someone. But you know what? I might not. I might keep it quiet. And I certainly wouldn't drag it out at every opportunity.

I don't care about your stupid religion. Guess what: many people feel the same way I do. They don't care whether or not you're religious at all. Those people are the people who don't speak up during debates, who don't read articles with headlines extolling the faith of various politicos. I, and they, don't care.

So shut the hell up about it.

Short one today; I'm steamed up.

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