
Civil Unions

This is a cliché, but it's still true. If the federal and state governments wanted to pass a law (or Constitutional amendment) forbidding two people of different skin colors from marrying one another, how would you react? It's worth thinking about, not because it proves a point, but because it's a question people should answer for themselves.

And I won't go into how it relates to the issue of gay marriage both because it would be condescending and because it's undoubtedly been covered before. The only thing I'm doing is asking the question. I'm not trying to say that it proves that gay marriage should be allowed.

Just figure it out for yourselves. When you say God hates fags, how does God feel about interracial marriage?

Now that the question has been asked, we also have to ask what place God hating fags has in the debate about the legality of certain types of marriage. The last time I checked, God hated divorce (depending on what God you listen to) and the State (capital S because we mean the government, not North Dakota) doesn't seem to mind. Should we waste our valuable time passing laws and amending our Constitution to prohibit divorce? So you hate fags (which is what people really mean when they say "God hates fags"). Don't recognize their marriages as sanctified by your God then. The State doesn't give a damn about your stupid, fag-hating God. At least it shouldn't.

Separate but equal my ass. You know what, fuck God! The State is all-powerful! It can do whatever it wants, and there's nothing your whiny little bitch of a God can say to make that any different. Suck it, God!

Okay, I'm done. My philosophy has always been: if people are going to be offended by something no matter what you do, you might as well really offend them.

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