
Bad Ideas

  1. Invading Iran. Come on, everyone has got to believe this. Anyone who doesn't is a total irredeemable moron. People who support attacking Iran while believing it's a bad idea are just evil.
  2. Israel abducting Ahmadinejad. Because that's what Iran needs to pull together against Israel. Right now, all Ahmadinejad does is spout off at the mouth about Israel. If Israel abducted him, even if Iran didn't immediately attack Israel, it would certainly solidify resolve against them. I mean, think what would happen if Iran abducted Ehud Olmert.
  3. Not teaching sex education. "Kids today should learn it the same way I learned it," is not an acceptable teaching philosophy if "the same way I learned it" can be read as "on the street," "from my youth minister who taught me that it was evil and wrong," or "in fits and starts as I accidentally became an unwed teen parent."
  4. Teaching abstinence only. I don't care if you say that abstinence is the way to go, period. You should also teach other things. For instance, in driver's ed, they teach you how to avoid a skid. Now really, the best way to avoid a skid is not to drive at unsafe speeds in improper conditions, but they don't simply say, "Don't speed, don't be unsafe, don't do anything other than drive 15 mph everywhere you go." They teach you how to avoid situations that, while you probably shouldn't be in them in the first place, do occur whether you'd like them or not.
  5. Owning a gun for "personal safety." You should probably look up how many times more likely you are to shoot either yourself or someone you don't want to injure than you are to successfully protect yourself from whatever it is from which you need protection.
  6. Owning a gun to "defeat terrorism." I can't believe that anyone actually believes this is true. Oh, if only those people on those planes had had handguns... wait a minute. Oh, if only those people in the World Trade Center had fired wildly at the plane as it was about to collide with their building... wait, no, still wrong. Oh, if only those military people in the Pentagon had had an arsenal of... wait, nope. Oh, if only those soldiers in Iraq who keep being blown up by "terrorists" had guns with which to protect... no, still wrong. Oh, if only terrorists were planning on invading the Midwest and setting up a new Taliban somewhere in America's heartland... yeah, that's the ticket. So basically, we need to convince terrorists to start fighting in ways where we can defeat them with guns. And then give out guns to every God-fearing American citizen. And while we're at it, maybe we could just convince the terrorists to blow themselves up somewhere else, because that would probably be easier. Hooray for guns.
  7. Owning an assault rifle for much of any reason. You don't need it for duck-hunting.
  8. Arguing with me about these points. I'm not listening.

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