

Well, I didn't expect to get here, I'll be honest. And I haven't done it in the way I wanted. I should have been writing this last year at around this time, not now. But I gave up on that. Now, I just need an outlet.

We all need them, which is, I suppose, why blogging is healthy. As long as you don't expect anyone to read your blog, it's just a form of expression which helps get things out in the open. But really, you're being more public than if you just wrote a diary for yourself. Which is why I still have problems expressing certain more controversial opinions here. You can guess what they are, but I won't tell.

I'm writing this post because it's expected, by me, I think. I don't have much of anything useful to say about 200. I may have, at some point, promised that by this point I would be writing about cheese in our nation's banks. If you're looking for that, you should consult my other blog, which I haven't updated in forever but am thinking of starting up again because I need more zaniness in my life. Or you could consult one of the many other humorously insane sites on the Web. I'm not going to write about cheese in our nation's banks here. Sorry.

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