People Have Too Goddamn Much Time On Their Hands
We're getting off to a rocky start with the title, and I promise you, it will only get rockier.
- Internet diarrhea. Who the hell actually uses this site for anything important? Is there any use that matters to which this site can be put? It's like stream-of-consciousness, but for the stupid. Really stupid. Okay, so exactly like stream-of consciousness. Seriously, what the hell? Exercise in content-generation gone horribly, horribly wrong.
- Social networking sites
- There's not even any content generated here. It's just like posting a picture of your face on a billboard and hoping that something good will come of it. "Here I am!" appears to be the operative phrase. Guess what? You're there, I'm here, and nobody cares.
- Social bookmarking sites
- These might be marginally useful, except they're overflowing with crap. Sifting through the chaff to find the wheat is nearly as tedious as simply ignoring the site and doing one's searching for one's self. Yes, optimization of searching is terrific, except to optimize, you have to put in just as much effort.
- Blogging
- Yep, I got there. Exactly why do any of us think that spending the time to write these things is a good use of the fairly limited amount of time we have in this life? Some blogs aren't useless, but again, it's all about filtering. And most blogs are diaries. Blah de blah de blah. If I wanted to read your poorly-phrased thoughts on your daily life, I'd ask.
- The new Knowledge Blogs from Blogger
- Nice idea in principle. Lousy idea in actuality. Giving everyone a forum to sound authoritative is just as dumb when you call it a new name. I know you want people to give credentials. Guess what? Not too hard to lie. Communal knowledge is a tricky thing. Usually, you need to charge a cover to keep out the riffraff.
- Wikis
- Seriously, who has the time?
- Forums
- Okay, even taking the time to insult them is a waste of time.
- Web 2.0 comments
- Get a life, people.
- Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ. Really, I can't see a point for twitter at all. Short crap generated by morons for morons. Every fifteen seconds. From cell phones. Probably while driving. God, sometimes I hate progress. If it's even progress, which I debate. Everyone calls certain things progress, but I'm not sure it's a correct use of the word. Progress isn't just being able to do new things. By that appellation, I could call cutting both my hands off progress, because it would enable me to do new things almost certainly. Not things which wouldn't be better done in another way, but new things nonetheless. I don't see how it helps.